My grandparents and other relatives were from Magee so I spent a lot of time there as a child. One of the larger small towns on Highway 49, it has seen a lot of growth along the highway in recent years although the tiny downtown still struggles. My parents also had a house out in the country there for a while. (2009, 2010)

Though it has grown a bit on its outskirts, Magee is still one of those small southern towns with small storefront stores

My parents relocated to Magee after I graduated college as my father was keen to live out in a country area away from the city. Here you see the nice getaway of pond and trees on his property.
If you grow up in small town Mississippi, you have to have animals at some point. We’ve run the gamut in my family from goats to ducks to sheep to chickens and even bees.

Unlike a lot of Mississippi folk, my family are not hunters at all, but it doesn’t keep my dad from enjoying some target practice with his rifle from time to time.