I had barely traveled beyond the areas immediately around my home state of Mississippi up through college. (My study abroad was actually the first time I’d ever left the South!) Fortunately, I’ve had the chance to see a little bit more of the US since that time–including amazing national treasures like the Grand Canyon–but there is still much, much more that I haven’t yet visited.
- Georgia
- Atlanta metro
- North GA
- Middle Georgia
- State Parks & Historic Sites
- Mississippi
- Mississippi River
- Gulf Coast
- Central Mississippi
- The Pine Belt
- Alabama
- Birmingham
- Tuscaloosa
- Mobile
- Selma
- State Parks & Historic Sites
- Texas
- Houston
- Galveston
- San Antonio
- Louisiana
- New Orleans
- Poverty Point
- North Carolina
- Charlotte
- Winston Salem
- Ellerbe
- South Carolina
- Charleston
- Myrtle Beach
- Virginia and Washington DC
- DC
- Arlington
- Alexandria
- Manassas
- Mount Vernon
- Charlottesville
- Indiana
- Indianapolis
- Maryland
- Baltimore
- New York
- New York City
- Florida
- Miami Beach
- Panama City Beach
- Hollywood Beach
- Arizona
- Grand Canyon
- Flagstaff
- Phoenix
- Williams
- Winslow
- Petrified Forest
- Payson
- Navajo Nation
- New Mexico
- Glorieta
- Bandolier
- Tennessee
- Nashville
- Chattanooga
- Gatlinburg
- Pigeon Forge
- Michigan
- Grand Rapids
- Grand Haven
- Oklahoma
- Tulsa
- Iowa
- Des Moines
- Missouri
- Kansas City
- Vermont
- Stowe
- Burlington
- Washington
- Seattle