Located in the southwestern corner of France, Bordeaux is of course best known for its wines. Around the city is a huge wine region of famous varieties such as Medoc and Saint-Emilion. The town is also full of old architecture as it was an important center during the time of Henri d’Anjou and the Hundred Years war. (2007)
Spanning the Garonne river, the stone bridge of Bordeaux glows orange in the setting sunlight.
All along the riverside can be found examples of grand 18th century buildings such as la Bourse.
A centerpiece of the city is the Monument aux Girondins named for martyrs of the revolution. Here can be seen one of the two fountain sculptures depicting Republic and Concord
Typical of the city are various archways (portes) that originally guarded the entrance roads into the city.
All around Bordeaux are chateaux and terroirs where grapes are grown and turned into wine. Wine tours include views of the vats, oak barrels, and tastings