The name means “beautiful island in the sea” and the rugged cliffs of Belle-Ile-En-Mer make it just that. I got to spend two days here while visiting Bretagne, first exploring the Citadelle and then biking across Belle-Ile’s quaint countryside. When I got to the Atlantic side of the island, however, I was totally blown away by what I saw. The pictures here really don’t do the view justice, but I hope they show a little bit of what makes people in France love this little island so much. (1996)

When you ferry across to Belle Ile, you enter the harbor next to ‘La Citadelle Vauban’, a large old fort that stands imposingly upon the black boulders at the commune of La Palais

Much of Belle Ile is open countryside with small farm homes like these which are typical of Bretagne
Sheep also seem to be typical sight across the island

It’s when you bike to the Atlantic side of the island that you are suddenly struck by incredible views of rugged cliffs and waves. I literally sat looking at them for hours.

I immediately recognized this section of the island from impressionist paintings. It is known as “La Cote Sauvage” or ‘The Wild Coast’