Stowe is ski town in the middle of some of Vermont’s high mountains. I first visited the Stowe area on a hiking trip near Mt. Mansfield with my Montreal church group when I was a student. Many years later I returned while on my way for a visit to Canada and got to see the town itself and more of the mountain views around. Both times I was there in summer, so the trees were full and green and you could see the unused ski trails running through them. (1998, 2012)

The lodge of the famous Van Trapps (i.e. the family highlighted in the “Sound of Music”) who moved to Vermont after escaping Nazi Germany

The town hall at Stowe

This is what a lot of the trail was like along the way—lined with stones and easy to walk up but just very steep. Don’t fall or you’re in trouble!

Here’s somebody playing “King of the Hill” up on one of the really big rocks at the base of the mountain.