A friend and I traveled up to Normandy with a group from my home university learning about World War II. We accompanied them on a tour across the D-Day beaches of the region and visited many of the bunkers and artillery areas where fighting took place. (1996)

Pointe du Hoc – This high defense overlook of the beaches was a key location to take which the American Rangers finally did by scaling its steep cliffs. You can still the bomb craters from all the fighting to this day.
Barbed wire and other scars of war still litter the landscape along the D-Day Beaches.

Longue-sur-Mer – Many reminders of World War II remain on the Normandy beaches including things like this huge artillery bunker. The photo is made all the more poignant as my friend from Germany solemnly takes in the history.

Arromanches – The beach at Arromanches was an important landing location where they established a harbor to bring in supplies.
Colleville-sur-Mer – The lines of simple white crosses at the Normandy American Cemetery are a famous and stark memorial to all those American soldiers fallen in the D-Day assault