Flagstaff or, as the locals call it, “Flag” is quite a nice mid-size college town whose historic downtown boasts a safe and pleasant atmosphere, many good restaurants, and the famous Route 66 running beside. Just outside are some famous natural and cultural sites as well. I especially enjoyed sitting with my family in one of the downtown cafes of Flagstaff as we watched people casually walk around the historic district and dance on the square until late in the evening. (2005)
The Church of the Nativity is a famous example of the use of sandstone in architecture in the area.
Downtown Flagstaff is a fun environment with lots of visitors and college students frequenting the square and the many centrally-located restaurants and cafes.
Not too far outside Flagstaff is Sunset Crater, site of the last volcanic activity in Arizona only 1000 years ago.
Wupatki National Monument holds the Wupatki Pueblo, the ruins of a large multi-room dwelling once used by the Sinagua peoples.